

Senseless Fatalities

Our town has a small local paper. I use to love paying the .50 cents for it when it had a daily column called 'Sound Off'. But then some bigger Newspaper came in and bought it, not that they improved it or anything. What they did do was fire 2 of the oldest employee's the Paper had and they did away with the Sound Off column. They had the audacity too say that the reason they were taking out the 'Sound Off' column was because it was too mean spirited!

Yeah, like laying off those two guys at their age, without a retirement pension wasn't mean spirited.

Now when they have people calling wanting us to get a subscription for the daily paper, I tell them NO, because I didn't appreciate what they did too those 2 employee's years ago. It's partially the truth, but I really resent the fact they did away with 'Sound Off'. Heck, I'd of gladly paid $1.oo daily for the paper if they'd of kept it.

Anyways, where I'm going with that, is that I was reading an article in the paper this morning about another Highway fatality involving an Amish Horse and Buggy and a Car.

In the last 2 1/2 weeks we have had 8 people die, all Amish, due to car/buggy road accidents. Yet some of the Old Order Amish refuse to put a red reflector triangle on the back of the buggy. These buggies are black and very hard too see when traveling at night. Why is it they willing take chances of senseless lose's of lives?

Yesterday, Tim was out riding his bake and he was out on the back roads. He said he came across a little Amish boy around the age of 4 or 5 pulling a wagon with a 5 gallon container of gasoline. He said that the distance between 2 farms was at least 1/2 a mile! Not only that, but there isn't any berm (the shoulder of a road) for the child too walk on plus it's a long stretch of straight highway.

Geez, it makes me want to scream when I see or read about that kind of crap

10:29 a.m. - 2002-11-11


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